Dr. Christoph Klieber
Honeywell Process Solutions
Steinern Str. 19-21
55252 Mainz-Kastel
Short CV:
I am a physicist accomplished in research and development with extensive experience in sensor and measurement technologies. Working at the intersection of research and engineering, I have a proven record of transforming research results into reliable services and applications by understanding measurements in great depth.
I am known for making the most challenging measurements possible and leading interdisciplinary teams to develop large, automated data acquisition projects. My unique strengths make me a strong contributor to both technical and business success—my work often reveals unexpected findings, which I am skilled at presenting in a way that is tailored to my audience and results in actionable feedback.
I received my Diploma degree in Physics from the Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich in 2006 and my PhD in acoustics and laser physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2010. After a postdoctoral fellowship at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Le Mans (France), I joined Schlumberger Oilfield Services in 2011 where I worked at Research and Technology Centers in Boston and Paris. I developed sensors and commercial nondestructive measurement services operating in challenging environments (exceeding temperatures of 175°C and pressures of 2000 bar) and conducted research at Schlumberger and in conjunction with MIT and CNRS. Early 2018, I moved to Germany for R&D new product developments at Honeywell gas flow measurement services.
Research & Development Interests:
- Optical and acoustic sensor development, phased arrays, noise analysis & reduction
- Sensor based interaction with the surrounding environment (e.g. tomography, time reversal techniques)
- Guided modes (Lamb modes, tube and Stoneley waves, surface waves)
- Optical spectroscopy, interferometry, optical imaging techniques, femtosecond laser systems and optics
- Nondestructive evaluation (NDT, e.g. cement quality evaluation of oil and gas wells, rock/borehole fatigue and failure prediction)
- Nonlinear wave phenomena (in particular nonlinear acoustics, shock waves)
- German Physical Society (DPG), mentoring of PhD physicists entering into an industry position
- German Acoustical Society (DEGA), member of the ultrasonic technical expert committee
- Member of doctoral supervision committee, 3MPL Doctoral School, Université du Maine, Le Mans, France
- Academic Reviewer/Referee at Acta Acustica
Research & Development Highlights
► Acoustic Sensor Development
► Visualizing Wave Propagration
► Beamshaping and Beamforming
► Ultra-Broadband Acoustic Measurements
► Nonlinear Acoustics
Acoustic Sensor Development
Photos and figures from reference: New-Generation Ultrasonic Measurements for Quantitative Cement Evaluation in Heavy Muds and Thick-Wall Casings, SPE ATCE, SPE-181450-MS.
Ultrasonic nondestructive testing for environmental safety evaluation of subterrain wells such as PowerECHO* depends on robust ultrasonic transducers which operate reliably under extreme environmental conditions (temperatures exceeding 175°C and pressures exceeding 2000 bar). This requirement makes transducer development and construction very challenging. Laboratory studies and numerical simulations of complete ultrasonic transducer allow to fully understand internal and external wave propagation during wave emission and upon reception of reflected waves. Much effort has to be invested to obtain a good handle on non-trivial parameters for all of the transducer parts, using input from experimental data to calibrate effects such as frequency dependence of backing dampening and piezoelectric interactions. Such an in depth study allows capturing all relevant physical phenomena and results in a solid understanding of their impact on the measurement to ultimately engineer the sensor hardware to its best possible performance. Validation measurements covering the full muldi-dimensional space of possible environmental conditions were carried out to verify its proper performance.
* Mark of Schlumberger
- New-Generation Ultrasonic Measurements for Quantitative Cement Evaluation in Heavy Muds and Thick-Wall Casings
S. Thierry, C. Klieber, M. Lemarenko, J.-L. Le Calvez, T.M. Brill, T. Barrou, A. Hayman, F. Mege, and R. Van Os, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, UAE, 26–28 September 2016, SPE-181450-MS.
- A calibration-free inversion algorithm for evaluating cement quality behind highly contrasting steel pipe
C. Klieber, and M. Lemarenko, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Tours, France, 19–21 September 2016, ULTSYM.2016.7728565.
- Ultrasonic Cement Logging: Expanding the Operating Envelope and Efficiency
S. Thierry, C. Klieber, M. Lemarenko, T. Brill, J.-L. Le Calvez, F. Mege, T. Barrou, and K. Constable, SPWLA 58th Annual Logging Symposium, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, June 17-21, 2017, SPWLA-2017-WWWW.
- Leading Edge Developments in Ultrasonic Logging Improves Cement Evaluation Quality in Extreme Conditions
C. Klieber, A. Timonin, K. Singh, J.-L. Le Calvez, S. Thierry, M. Lemarenko, and T. Brill, SPE Annual Caspian Technical Conference & Exhibition, Astana, Kazakhstan, 1–3 November 2016, SPE-182533-MS.
Understanding and Optimizing Measurements Through Wave Visualization
Photos and figures from reference: New-Generation Ultrasonic Measurements for Quantitative Cement Evaluation in Heavy Muds and Thick-Wall Casings, SPE ATCE, SPE-181450-MS.
Needle hydrophone measurements visualize full acoustic wave propagation of the flexural wave measurement as it is used in commercial cement evaluation services such as the IsolationScanner* and PowerFLEX*.
* Mark of Schlumberger
- Visualization of Leaky Ultrasonic Lamb Wave Experiments in Multilayer Structures
C. Klieber, S. Catheline, Y. Vincensini, T. Brill, and F. Mege,
International Congress on Ultrasonics, Metz, France (2015), Physics Procedia 70, Pages 314–317.
- Mapping of ultrasonic Lamb-wave field in elastic, layered structures using acoustic and laser probes
C. Klieber, and T. Brill, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 30, 4aSAb-2 (2017).
- Effect of microannulus on ultrasonic pulse-echo resonance and flexural Lamb-wave cement-evaluation measurements
C. Klieber, T. Brill, M. Lemarenko, and S. Catheline, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 30, 4aSAb-1 (2017).
- Reflection and Mode-Conversion of Ultrasonic Lamb Waves at Inaccessible Discontinuities in Layered Structures
T. Brill, and C. Klieber,
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Tours, France, 19–21 September 2016, ULTSYM.2016.7728587.
- Femtosecond imaging of nonlinear acoustics in gold
T. Pezeril, C. Klieber, V. Shalagatskyi, G. Vaudel, V. Temnov, O. G. Schmidt, and D. Makarov,
Optics Express, 22(4), pp. 4590-4598 (2014).
Beamshaping and Beamforming
Figures reproduced from reference: Narrow-Band Acoustic Attenuation Measurements in Vitreous Silica at Frequencies Between 20 and 400 GHz, C. Klieber et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 211908 (2011).
Beamshaping and Beamforming are powerful methods to focus acoustic or optical energy either spatially or into a certain frequency range. This opens up the possibility to conduct measurements examining small spatial features or when signal-to-noise levels would otherwise not allow it.
- Narrow-Band Acoustic Attenuation Measurements in Vitreous Silica at Frequencies Between 20 and 400 GHz
C. Klieber, E. Peronne, K. Katayama, J.D. Choi, M. Yamaguchi, T. Pezeril, and K. A. Nelson, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 211908 (2011).
- Optical Generation and Detection of Gigahertz-Frequency Longitudinal and Shear Acoustic Waves in Liquids: Theory and Experiment
C. Klieber, T. Pezeril, S. Andrieu, and K. A. Nelson, Journal of Applied Physics 112(1) 013502 (2012).
- Optical Generation of Gigahertz-Frequency Shear Acoustic Waves in Liquid Glycerol
T. Pezeril, C. Klieber, S. Andrieu, and K. A. Nelson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 107402, (2009).
Ultra-Broadband Acoustic Measurements
Figures reproduced from reference: Toward broadband mechanical spectroscopy, T. Hecksher et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(33), 2017.
Viscous liquids of all kinds, from honey to glycerol to common polymers, display remarkably similar dynamical properties upon cooling from high temperatures at which local structural relaxation and flow occur quickly, to moderate temperatures at which key components of the dynamics slow down dramatically, to cold temperatures at which a glassy solid is formed. The similarities suggest a common theoretical framework, but comprehensive measurements of liquids’ mechanical properties covering the extraordinary range of time scales spanned have been elusive. Using seven experimental methods covering 13 decades in frequency with few gaps, we demonstrate that broadband mechanical spectra are now within reach.
- Toward broadband mechanical spectroscopy
T. Hecksher, D. H. Torchinsky, C. Klieber, J. A. Johnson, J. C. Dyre, K. A. Nelson, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(33), 2017.
- Mechanical spectra of glass-forming liquids. II. Gigahertz-frequency longitudinal and shear acoustic dynamics in glycerol and DC704 studied by time-domain Brillouin scattering
C. Klieber, T. Hecksher, T. Pezeril, D. H. Torchinsky, J. C. Dyre, and K. A. Nelson, Invited paper for special issue on "The Glass Transition", J. Chem. Phys. 138(12), 12A544 (2013).
Nonlinear Acoustics
Figures reproduced from references: Femtosecond imaging of nonlinear acoustics in gold, T. Pezeril et al., Optics Express, 22(4), 4590-4598 (2014) and Nonlinear Phasing and Dephasing of Three Wave Mixing of Acoustic Guided Waves, C. Klieber et al., Phys. Rev. E 88, 033204 (2013).
Our world is linear only in first approximation. For example, when one pulls on a spring or rubber band a little harder, the linear force-elongation relationship stops to be valid and the system first enters a reversible, nonlinear regime before it plastically deforms and ultimately fails (e.g. the rubber band tears). Nonlinear measurements in the elastic regime are a powerful tool in nondestructive testing to evaluate material properties, and detect alterations and damage to a sample. For example, we investigated the potential of such measurements for early signs of borehole failure by exploiting nonlinear tubewave (Stoneley wave) propagation.
- Nonlinear Phasing and Dephasing of Three Wave Mixing of Acoustic Guided Waves
C. Klieber, and D. L. Johnson, Phys. Rev. E 88, 033204 (2013).
- Nonlinear Acoustics at GHz Frequencies in a Viscoelastic Fragile Glass Former
C. Klieber, V. Goussev, T. Pezeril, and K. A. Nelson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 065701, (2015).
- Femtosecond imaging of nonlinear acoustics in gold
T. Pezeril, C. Klieber, V. Shalagatskyi, et al., Optics Express, 22(4), pp. 4590-4598 (2014).
- Nonlinear femtosecond ultrasonics in gold probed with ultrashort surface plasmons
V. V. Temnov, C. Klieber, K. A. Nelson, et al., Nature Communications 4, 1468 (2013).

Crystalline-like ordering of 8CB liquid crystals revealed by time-domain Brillouin scattering
I. Chaban, C. Klieber, R. Busselez, K. A. Nelson, and T. Pezeril, Journal of Chemical Physics, 152 (1), (2020).
Novel Nanocomposite Materials for Improving Passive Layers in Air-coupled Ultrasonic Transducer Applications
L. Amoroso, S.N. Ramadas, C. Klieber, T.E.G. Alvarez-Arenas, T McNally, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2608-2611, (2019).
High-Resolution Mapping of Surface Morphologies with Focused Ultrasonic Transducers
T.M. Brill, M. Merhej, A. Maller, J.L. Le Calvez, C. Klieber, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 1619-1623, (2019).
Reducing liquid layer ambiguity of well integrity measurements through extensional mode analysis
S. Catheline, C. Klieber, IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 1582-1585, (2019).
Time-domain Brillouin Scattering as a Local Temperature Probe in Liquids
I. Chaban, H. D. Shin, C. Klieber, R. Busselez, V. Gusev, K. A. Nelson, and T. Pezeril, MRS Advances, 4 (1), 8-14, (2019).
Evaluierung der Sicherheit von Tiefbrunnen durch Ultraschallmessungen
Ultrasonic integrity evaluation of underground wells
C. Klieber, and T. Brill, tm - Technisches Messen, Plattform für Methoden, Systeme und Anwendungen der Messtechnik, 0070, (2019).
Schallbasierte Messungen bei Tiefbohrungen - Bestimmung elastischer und struktureller Materialeigenschafen von Gesteinen
C. Klieber, and T. Brill, Akustik Journal, 3, 15-27 (2018).
Imagerie de propagation d’ondes de Lamb ultrasonores dans des structures élastiques multicouches par interférométrie laser
Thilo M Brill, C. Klieber, and Jean-Luc Le Calvez, Conference: 14ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique (CFA18), Le Havre, France (2018).
Time-domain Brillouin Scattering as a Local Temperature Probe in Liquids
I. Chaban, D. Shin, C. Klieber, R. Busselez, V. Gusev, K. A. Nelson, and T. Pezeril, 19th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena (ICPPP19), arXiv:1809.06711.
Toward broadband mechanical spectroscopy
T. Hecksher, D. H. Torchinsky, C. Klieber, J. A. Johnson, J. C. Dyre, K. A. Nelson,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (33), 2017.
Mapping of ultrasonic Lamb-wave field in elastic, layered structures using laser probes
C. Klieber, and T. Brill, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 30, 065013 (2017).
Effect of microannulus on ultrasonic pulse-echo resonance and flexural Lamb-wave cement-evaluation measurements
C. Klieber, T. Brill, M. Lemarenko, and S. Catheline, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 30, 065014 (2017).
Bewertung von Zementintegritat bei Tiefbohrungen durch Ultraschallmessungen
C. Klieber, Proceedings of the 43. Annual Meeting of the German Acoustical Society, DAGA2017/516-279171025, pages 1029-1032 (2017).
Ultrasonic Cement Logging: Expanding the Operating Envelope and Efficiency
S. Thierry, C. Klieber, M. Lemarenko, T. Brill, J.-L. Le Calvez, F. Mege, T. Barrou, and K. Constable, SPWLA 58th Annual Logging Symposium, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, June 17-21, 2017, SPWLA-2017-WWWW.
Time-domain Brillouin scattering for the determination of laser-induced temperature gradients in liquids
I. Chaban, D. Shin, C. Klieber, R. Busselez, V. Gusev, K. A. Nelson, and T. Pezeril, Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 074904 (2017).
New-Generation Ultrasonic Measurements for Quantitative Cement Evaluation in Heavy Muds and Thick-Wall Casings
S. Thierry, C. Klieber, M. Lemarenko, J.-L. Le Calvez, T.M. Brill, T. Barrou, A. Hayman, F. Mege, and R. Van Os,
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, UAE, 26–28 September 2016, SPE-181450-MS.
Leading Edge Developments in Ultrasonic Logging Improves Cement Evaluation Quality in Extreme Conditions
C. Klieber, A. Timonin, K. Singh, J.-L. Le Calvez, S. Thierry, M. Lemarenko, and T. Brill,
SPE Annual Caspian Technical Conference & Exhibition, Astana, Kazakhstan, 1–3 November 2016, SPE-182533-MS.
A calibration-free inversion algorithm for evaluating cement quality behind highly contrasting steel pipe
C. Klieber, and M. Lemarenko,
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Tours, France, 19–21 September 2016, ULTSYM.2016.7728565.
Reflection and Mode-Conversion of Ultrasonic Lamb Waves at Inaccessible Discontinuities in Layered Structures
T. Brill, and C. Klieber,
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Tours, France, 19–21 September 2016, ULTSYM.2016.7728587.
Visualization of Leaky Ultrasonic Lamb Wave Experiments in Multilayer Structures
C. Klieber, S. Catheline, Y. Vincensini, T. Brill, and F. Mege,
International Congress on Ultrasonics, Metz, France (2015), Physics Procedia 70, Pages 314–317.
Separation of leaky Lamb modes for ultrasonic evaluation of multilayer structures
J.-L. Le Calvez, T. M. Brill, and C. Klieber,
International Congress on Ultrasonics, Metz, France (2015), Physics Procedia 70, Pages 305–308.
Nonlinear Acoustics at GHz Frequencies in a Viscoelastic Fragile Glass Former
C. Klieber, V. Goussev, T. Pezeril, and K. A. Nelson,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 065701, (2015).
Femtosecond imaging of nonlinear acoustics in gold
T. Pezeril, C. Klieber, V. Shalagatskyi, G. Vaudel, V. Temnov, O. G. Schmidt, and D. Makarov,
Optics Express, 22(4), pp. 4590-4598 (2014).
Nonlinear femtosecond ultrasonics in gold probed with ultrashort surface plasmons
V. V. Temnov, C. Klieber, K. A. Nelson, T. Thomay, V. Knittel, A. Leitenstorfer, D. Makarov, M. Albrecht, R. Bratschitsch,
Nature Communications 4, 1468 (2013).
Mechanical spectra of glass-forming liquids. II. Gigahertz-frequency longitudinal and shear acoustic dynamics in glycerol and DC704 studied by time-domain Brillouin scattering
C. Klieber, T. Hecksher, T. Pezeril, D. H. Torchinsky, J. C. Dyre, and K. A. Nelson, Invited paper for special issue on "The Glass Transition", J. Chem. Phys. 138(12), 12A544 (2013).
Detection of shorter-than-skin-depth acoustic pulses in a metal film via transient reflectivity
K. J. Manke, A. A. Maznev, C. Klieber, V. Shalagatskyi, V. V. Temnov, D. Makarov, S.-H. Baek, C.-B. Eom, and K. A. Nelson, Apl. Phys. Lett. 103(17); (2013).
Nonlinear Phasing and Dephasing of Three Wave Mixing of Acoustic Guided Waves
C. Klieber, and D. L. Johnson, Phys. Rev. E 88, 033204 (2013).
Detection of shorter-than-skin-depth acoustic pulses in a metal film via transient reflectivity
K. J. Manke, A. A. Maznev, C. Klieber, V. Shalagatskyi, V. V. Temnov, D. Makarov, S.-H. Baek, C.-B. Eom, and K. A. Nelson, AIP Conf. Proc. 1506, 22 (2012).
Versatile ultrafast pump-probe imaging with high sensitivity CCD camera
T. Pezeril, C. Klieber, V. Temnov, J.-R. Huntzinger, and Abdelmadjid Anane, Société Française d'Acoustique, Acoustics 2012 (00811300), Nantes, France.
Ultrafast inverse magnetostriction effect in Ni/Co ferromagnet
T. Pezeril, V. Temnov, S. Andrieu, V. Gusev, T. Hauet, and C. Klieber, Société Française d'Acoustique, Acoustics 2012 (00810575), Nantes, France.
Nonlinear tube waves
C. Klieber, and D. L. Johnson, Société Française d'Acoustique, Acoustics 2012 (00811206), Nantes, France.
Ultrafast Shear Acoustic Waves in Liquids
T. Pezeril, C. Klieber, S. Andrieu, and K. A. Nelson, Chinese Journal of Physics 49(1), p.23 (2011).
Narrow-Band Acoustic Attenuation Measurements in Vitreous Silica at Frequencies Between 20 and 400 GHz
C. Klieber, E. Peronne, K. Katayama, J.D. Choi, M. Yamaguchi, T. Pezeril, and K. A. Nelson, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 211908 (2011).
Coherent Brillouin spectroscopy in a strongly scattering liquid by picosecond ultrasonics
A. A. Maznev, K. J. Manke, C. Klieber, K. A. Nelson, S. H. Baek, and C.-B. Eom, Optics Letters 36, 2925 (2011).
Optical Generation and Detection of Gigahertz-Frequency Longitudinal and Shear Acoustic Waves in Liquids: Theory and Experiment
C. Klieber, T. Pezeril, S. Andrieu, and K. A. Nelson, Journal of Applied Physics 112(1) 013502 (2012).
High frequency longitudinal and shear acoustic waves in glass-forming liquids
C. Klieber, D. Torchinsky, T. Pezeril, K. Manke, S. Andrieu, and K. A. Nelson, Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. 214, 012033 (2010).
Optical Generation of Gigahertz-Frequency Shear Acoustic Waves in Liquid Glycerol
T. Pezeril, C. Klieber, S. Andrieu, and K. A. Nelson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 107402, (2009).
GHz Longitudinal and Transverse Acoustic Waves and Structural Relaxation Dynamics in Liquid Glycerol
C. Klieber, T. Pezeril, S. Andrieu, and K. A. Nelson, Ultrafast Phenomena XVI (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2009), pp. 499-501.
Picosecond Shear Waves in Nano-Sized Solids and Liquids
T. Pezeril, C. Klieber , S. Andrieu, D. Chateigner, and K. A. Nelson, Proc. SPIE 7214 (2009).
Looking for Shear Waves in Glass-Forming Liquids
T. Pezeril, C. Klieber, S. Andrieu, and K. A. Nelson, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123(5), 3287 (2008).
Gigahertz Frequency Acoustic Waves Study of Vitreous Silica
C. Klieber, Diplomarbeit, Ludwig-Maximilian-University, University of Munich, Germany (2006).
- Enhanced noise immunity multilayer piezoelectric transducer
US20220187112A1, Christoph Klieber, and Christian L. Bies.
- Coherent Noise Reduction in Ultrasonic Data
US20190304106A1, Christoph Klieber, Mikhail Lemarenko, and Sylvain Thierry.
- Systems and Methods for using Stoneley Waves for Bottom-Hole Proximity Detection
US20170192117A1, Christoph Klieber, Bertrand du Castel, Martin Luling, and David Linton Johnson.
- Flexural Wave Measurement for Thick Casing
US20180328163A1, Christoph Klieber, Andrew Hayman, JL. Le Calvez, and Thilo Brill.
- Apodization of Piezo-Composite Acoustic Elements
EP15290312.6, Christoph Klieber, Mikhail Lemarenko and Andrew Hayman.
- Resonance-Based Inversion of Acoustic Impedance of Annulus Behind Casing
EP15290308.4, Christoph Klieber, Mikhail Lemarenko, Sylvain Thierry, Sandip Bose and Smaine Zeroug.
- Techniques for Removing Interface Noise from Acoustic Log Data
EP15290325.8, Christoph Klieber, Mikhail Lemarenko and Thilo Brill.
- Method and System for Fracture Detection using Acoustic Waves
US14983701, Christoph Klieber, Ralph M. D'Angelo, Kenneth W. Winkler and Mikhail Lemarenko.
- Systems and methods for cement evaluation calibration
EP2886794A1 / US20150177198A1 , Christoph Klieber, and Silvain Thierry.
- Interlaced Ultrasonic Array Tool design and operation
EP17290128.2, Christoph Klieber.